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I have been collecting DVD’s since 1999 with my first purchase of a DVD was Bad Boys for £20 I know have 750+ DVD’s in my collection. I have been using an app on my iPhone called My Movies which is a great app and gives every user what they would want when collecting movies, tv series etc.

I wanted more control over the data, so using the app it has a CSV export feature, which provides 65 columns providing a massive dataset for every film or tv series added to the collection. I decided to create my own dataset from the data provided I upload my DVD collection into Google Big Query allowing anyone to query the dataset.

From the 65 columns of data available I have streamlined it to 12 columns

Which provides the ability to cut and slice the data in many ways.

To query the DVD collection within Big Query the table is public: mrdipeshashah.mydvdcollection.dvdcollection