Working on a consultancy project and one of the principal areas of focus was around measurement. The initial project brief was based on auditing the brands current set-up and provide recommendations. It transpired very quickly there was a huge gap between what the business needed and what was technically deployed, this is one of my bug bears. The next step was delving into the numbers and there was a significant difference in what the business numbers reported v Google Analytics (single source of truth). This led to more business questions being asked around measurement.
Over a course of multiple discovery sessions, the aim was to get a better understanding of the business and their measurement requirements by talking to key stakeholders. What was apparent were the differing views on measurement from stakeholders in different business units. There was no documentation that defined the measurement requirements, and every business unit reported success in their own ways which caused its own challenges.
In most cases the idea would be to jump into creating measurement framework but realised that would only cause more confusion. I am a big fan of measurement framework as they can provide great value but, in this scenario, it required a one pager that can be shared internally with key stakeholders and externally with key partners of all key components related to measurement. The one pager ensures that everyone is working towards the same strategy.
Measurement needs to talk consistently the same business language if it wants to be taken seriously and wants a seat at the table. Creating a measurement canvas, I believe it was a good way to ensure consistently the same business language is used articulating how the right measurement will provide actionable insights helping with the growth of the business.
What is the Measurement Canvas?
The measurement canvas is a strategic play for brands to ensure that it has a top down view, assure business objectives can be met and business questions can be answered. It also helps when sharing internally or with external partners that there is a consistency in how measurement is approached.
The canvas is simplified in a one page summary with the required components that are needed when building out a measurement plan.
There are 8 key components that build the measurement canvas they play a big role in positioning and telling the right story in how measurement can help in the growth of the business.
Why the Measurement Canvas?
In most cases there is a huge gap in what the right measurement approach is which causes confusion. The canvas is there to ensure that internally and externally everyone is working towards the same measurement criteria.
Building the Measurement Canvas
The canvas is built into 8 key components split into 3 categories.
The core
Is built around:
- Business Objectives
- Business Questions
- Customer Segments
Measurement needs to be built around the core this ensures there is consistency in the measurement approach from all different business units internally and external partners.
Business Outcomes
Is built around:
- Primary KPI’s
- Secondary KPI’s
Nailing down the business outcomes in the form of Primary and Secondary KPI’s are critical to measuring business success. This also helps internal and external teams focus on the same set of KPI’s. This cannot be done without having a comprehensive understanding of the Core which helps outline the business and marketing requirements.
The measurement approach
Is built around:
- Data Sources
- Measurement Requirements (Data Requirements)
- Analytics Techniques
These are the measurement pillars in driving business growth. Attaining the right approach is possible by having a solid understanding of the Core and the key Business outcomes to help drive the insights and growth.
When to use the Measurement Canvas
The canvas should be a core part of the business and marketing strategy where all key intel is shared on the canvas. The canvas ensures that it is all synchronised to help tell the right measurement story and the journey the brand is going on. The measurement canvas should lead into creating a detailed measurement plan and framework.
Another way to look at it if you struggle to summarise the measurement requirements on the canvas then it is going to be an uphill battle for measurement to have a seat at the table and be a key driver for business growth.